There aren't many catchphrases to survive The Fifth Element , but Leeloo
did have one word that really struck a chord and is also no doubt a
question you have right now. "Multipass?" Yes. Leeloo has a
Multipass! It's unpainted and tiny, so you're probably going to lose it
because if it gets in your carpet you will never see it again.
It's not the smallest 3 3/4-inch accessory ever, but it's definitely
close. Molded in her skin color plastic, Leeloo has a lot of paint to
get her up to spec while also being somewhat convincing as a retro
figure. The only problem is that the paint isn't glossy, and old Kenner
toys were shiny little dears.
I didn't even think to ask for a Predator (Thermal Vision)
ReAction Figure. I was just in Toys R Us one day, and blammo, there it
was for ten bucks. I took a few days to mull it over. "Do I need another
Predator figure?" The answer was yes, and I scooped it up even though
it's the same masked mold I've bought at least four times by now. Paint
makes up for a lot in these toys, and something this weird - and
technically something we never really saw in the movie - is a must-buy
for fans of this junk.
The ReAction Alien line is a little weird. We've got three Kanes, two monsters, and our heroine has only two releases. The second is this Ripley (Spacesuit) figure, which is basically the first Kane in new colors and Ripley's head - now molded in flesh color. Her helmet is new, missing the flashlight on top.